mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
chm111 CHM 111 Mailing List for Dr. A.J. Pounds
chm111-lab CHM 111.003/.004 Lab Listserve
chm112 CHM 112 Mailing List for Dr. A.J. Pounds
chm112-lab CHM 112 Mailing List for Drs. Hugdhal and Pounds
chm115 CHM 115 Mailing List for Prof. Pounds
chm181 The CHM 181 Mailing List for Dr. Pounds
chm295 CHM 295 Research Students
chm330 CHM 330 Mailing List for Dr. A.J. Pounds
chm331 Mailing list for Quantum and Staistical Mechanics for Dr. A.J. Pounds
chm371 CHM 371 -- Problems in Chemistry I E-Mail Listserve
chm372 [no description available]
chm481 Dr. Pounds CHM 481 Sections
csc125 Listserver for CSC125 taught by Dr. Pounds
csc204 Mailing List for CSC 204 Taught by Dr. A.J. Pounds
csc315 CSC 335 Mailing List
csc330 Structure of Programming Languages
csc335 Numerical Methods Mailing List
csc415 CSC 415: Graphics Simulation and Visualization
csc435 Listserver for High Performance Scientific Computing
csc499 Computational Science Research
dockusers MU Chemistry Linux Computational Resources Users
Mailman [no description available]
olympus Users of the Olympus Computing Cluster
unv101 UNV 101 with Dr. Pounds

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