[CHM 330] Class tomorrow, Monday, and the Current Python Assignment

Andrew J. Pounds pounds at sandbox.mercer.edu
Thu Apr 8 10:22:41 EDT 2021

Chemists -- I have gotten LOTS of questions in the last 24 hours related 
to the current computer assignment -- and some of the questions concern me.

I want to devote ALL of class tomorrow to answering questions for those 
of you that have them.  I will not be covering again how to do the 
direct fit in Excel -- but I will try to field the questions from those 
of you that are having difficulty getting the temporal plots to work 

I will move the due date to Sunday night at midnight.

MONDAY is a critical day for lecture as I will be going over the first 
model potential -- it is the one that sets the stage for everything else 
in chapter 11 and starts to tie all of the abstract concepts together.  
Don't miss class on Monday!

If you want to zoom related to questions we can certainly do that.  I 
did my last zoom yesterday at 9 pm last night and my first zoom at 8:00 
am this morning! I already have three zooms scheduled for today -- so if 
you want to meet today let me know ASAP so I can get you on the 
schedule.   If you would prefer to meet in person then class tomorrow 
will be for that.  To make things easy for multiple people to be set up 
and for me to work my way around, bring your laptops to GSC 218 (the 
computer room just down the hall from our classroom) at 12:40.

*/Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D. /* (pounds_aj at mercer.edu)
/Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science/
/Director of the Computational Science Program/
/Mercer University, Macon, GA 31207 (478) 301-5627/
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