[CHM 330] Missed Class Video

Andrew J. Pounds pounds at sandbox.mercer.edu
Tue Apr 27 11:18:03 EDT 2021

Students -- for the day that we missed class due to the suspicious 
activity at the Field House,  I have uploaded a video related to the 
Rigid-Rotor approximation.   I put it on Echo360 in the same place that 
I have saved all of the other class videos.

This simple model potential is the last piece that has to be in place 
before we discuss the hydrogen atom - which I intend to do in class 

*/Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D./*
/Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science/
/Director of the Computational Science Program/
/Mercer University/
/1501 Mercer University Drive, Macon, GA 31207 /
/(478) 301-5627/
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