[CHM 330] Tuesday lab times...

Andrew J. Pounds pounds at sandbox.mercer.edu
Tue Apr 26 09:31:04 EDT 2022

For those of you that have not yet completed the last programming 
assignment, I will be in my WILLET office or the Willet Data Science Lab 
between 10 am and noon today.  If you would like to come complete your 
project I will gladly meet you to set things up for you.

I have an off campus meeting on Wednesday afternoon and due to a 
proposal presentation, I will not be on campus Thursday and due to 
another commitment I will not be on campus on Friday afternoon -- so if 
you need to still complete the project PLEASE reach out to me so we can 
arrange a time to meet.

*Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.*
/Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science/
/Director of the Computational Science Program/
/Mercer University, Macon, GA, 31207 (478) 301-5627 /
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