[CHM 330] Still responding...

Andrew J. Pounds pounds_aj at mercer.edu
Sat Jan 29 07:30:27 EST 2022

Students -- I got my COVID booster on Friday afternoon and am now "down" 
with fever and many of the other COVID symptoms.  It's a big weekend for 
many of you to knock out some homework.  I will try to check e-mail 
every few hours and respond to questions, but my pace is a bit slower 
this weekend for obvious reasons.

One thing that I did want to try to clear up because several of you have 
asked about it relates to the notation that the book uses.  When you see 
in your text ΔrX\Delta_r X, where X is some quantity, it is referring to 
that quantity for the reaction.

X_{rxn}=\sum_{i=1}^{PROD}n_i X_i −\sum_{j=1}^{REACT}n_j X_j

This is shown for enthalpy in equation 2.28 of your text -- but I wanted 
you to be able to compare it to the notation I use in the slides which 
is more general.  Also, some of you have asked about how to convert 
between CpC_p and CvC_v.  The conversion is shown in equatino 2.48 of 
the text.

Keep the questions coming.  We'll get through this!

*/Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D./*
/Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science/
/Director of the Computational Science Program/
/Mercer University, Macon, GA 31207 (478) 301-5627/
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