[CHM 330] Out Today - Project Extension

Andrew J. Pounds pounds_aj at mercer.edu
Mon Nov 4 06:24:43 EST 2024

Class -- I picked up some bug while traveling this past weekend to 
present my research.  I will not be on campus today so there is no CHM 
330 class today.

Several of you wanted to work on your Michaelis-Menten projects this 
afternoon.  Since I can't be there today I will extend the due date for 
the project to MONDAY  the 11th (yes it is the same day as your next 
test).  This will, however, give you one additional day to complete the 
project if you are constrained to only working with me on MWF.

*/Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D./*
/Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science/
/Director of the Computational Science Program/
/Mercer University/
/1501 Mercer University Drive, Macon, GA 31207 /
/(478) 301-5627/
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