[CHM 330] Class on Monday and Wednesday

Andrew J. Pounds pounds_aj at mercer.edu
Sun Sep 29 13:43:21 EDT 2024

Because we lost a lecture day on Friday I really want to push forward 
with the notes on Chapter 6 regarding physical equilibrium.   We will do 
that on Monday. Also, some of you have told me that, due to Fall Break 
travel plans,  you will not be in class on Wednesday.  My plan is to 
return the exam on Wednesday and go over it then.  If we have time I 
fill finish off the lecture slides for Chapter 6 on Wednesday.

With Hurricane Helene interrupting our schedule, I may also be forced to 
move the next exam date back - but I will make that decision after Fall 

Some of you have asked for help on using Python -- I am updating my 
"tutorials" and hope to have those online for you in the next day or so.

*/Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D./*
/Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science/
/Director of the Computational Science Program/
/Mercer University, Macon, GA 31207 (478) 301-5627/
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