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<p>Class -- I made a quick little video that demonstrates how to do
nonlinear fitting in Excel. I used the data from the
Michaelis-Menten example in your text, so it should be pretty easy
to modify this for your project.</p>
<p>The quality of the video is ROUGH if you view it in the CANVAS
viewer - but if you download the video from CANVAS it looks much
<p>Please le me know if you have qnay questions.<br>
<div class="moz-signature">-- <br>
<b><em>Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.</em></b><br>
<em>Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science</em><br>
<em>Director of the Computational Science Program</em><br>
<em>Mercer University</em><br>
<em>1501 Mercer University Drive, Macon, GA 31207 </em><br>
<em>(478) 301-5627</em><br>