<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<p><font face="serif">I just published the CHM 330 course on
CANVAS. If you click on the left menu item "Course Materials"
it should take you to an online version of the text and
presumably the access code for Mastering (where your online
homework lives). I am attaching a PDF that describes how to
register for my specific Mastering Chemistry course.<br>
<p><font face="serif">Will someone give this a shot and let me know
if it works? </font><br>
<div class="moz-signature">-- <br>
<b><i>Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.</i></b><br>
<i>Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science</i><br>
<i>Director of the Computational Science Program</i><br>
<i>Mercer University, Macon, GA 31207 (478) 301-5627</i></div>