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<p>On Monday I am going to need to leave campus around 2 pm because
the utility company is digging up my front yard -- and it could be
a mess. If you want to see your test you can come by after class
or we will arrange another time to meet.</p>
<p>On Tuesday afternoon I will be holding office hours in the Data
Science lab in Willet -- but be aware that there are some students
that have already arranged to work on their Enzyme Kinetics
computer project using the computer in that lab at that time. If
you are a person that needs access to a computer running anaconda
to complete your next project, please let me know so I can find a
place for you to work.<br>
<div class="moz-signature">-- <br>
<b><em>Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.</em></b><br>
<em>Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science</em><br>
<em>Director of the Computational Science Program</em><br>
<em>Mercer University</em><br>
<em>1501 Mercer University Drive, Macon, GA 31207 </em><br>
<em>(478) 301-5627</em><br>