[CSC 125] Gearing Up for CSC 125

Andrew Pounds pounds_aj at mercer.edu
Sun May 17 18:01:45 EDT 2009

Good afternoon class --
   I trust you all have had a good weekend and that you are planning on 
enjoying a bit of a break before summer session one begins.

I wanted to send you this e-mail to let you know that I will have all of 
the online materials ready for your CSC 125 summer online experience 
ready a week from tomorrow.  I will also send you all a syllabus later 
this evening so you can see the course requirements.

One thing that I need you all to do is make sure you have a MyITLab 
access code and the book.  While you can purchase both of these through 
the Mercer bookstore, some of you may prefer to purchase them online.  
The BIG thing you need is the MyITLab access code.  If you have not 
taken CSC 125 in the past year, and hence do not already have an access 
code, you will need to get one of these.  All of the online "training" 
and "testing" is done through the MyITLab website and you will want to 
have everything ready to go once we start the summer term.

Option 1:
  Go to the Mercer Bookstore (or call the Mercer bookstore) and either 
pick up or order the CSC 125 bundle that includes the Grauer text and 
the MyITLab access key.

Option 2:
  Go to the www.myitlab.com site and get an access code (follow the link 
on the left of the initial web page).  Purchase the book through another 
source.  ISBN 0-13-157564-3

DO SO.  There are very explicit instructions I will give you to 
associate you access code with our class.  There are tens of thousands 
of students using this software in universities around the United States 
-- so I have to give you explicit instructions to associate you ID with 
my specific offering of the class.

One other thing -- and this is a biggie for a lot of folks -- MyITLab 
will not function under MacOS.  While you can do all the other parts of 
the cousework (60%) using any computer capable of running Microsoft 
Windows -- to take the online tests and do the online training in 
MyITLab you will have to have a PC (or a Mac running a PC OS).

Let me know if you have questions...

Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.  (pounds at theochem.mercer.edu)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University,  Macon, GA 31207   (478) 301-5627

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