[CSC 125] Progress....

Andrew Pounds pounds_aj at mercer.edu
Tue May 26 21:21:23 EDT 2009

Well it looks like some of you have gotten into MyITLab and have 
actually made some progress completing assignments.  That's GREAT.  Some 
of you joined the class late -- and missed my e-mails from last week.  
If you do not have a MyITLab access key -- go to the bookstore TOMORROW 
and get one.  You may have to ask about purchasing one separate from the 
textbook.  If you don't have a textbook, go ahead and buy the bundle 
with the book and access key.

Remember -- you can't use a "used" key -- you have to have one of your 
own that you purchase.

Now -- once you get a key go to the very simple class webpage I built 
(http://theochem.mercer.edu/csc125) and download the "Login to MyITLab" 
document.  It has VERY explicit directions for you to follow to get you 
into MyITLab and associate you access key with my class.   Once you get 
that far, send me an e-mail.

Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.  (pounds at theochem.mercer.edu)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University,  Macon, GA 31207   (478) 301-5627

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