[CSC 125] The MyITLab Pre-Test

Andrew Pounds pounds_aj at mercer.edu
Wed May 27 07:25:48 EDT 2009

Good morning class,

Once you get into MyITLab and after you run the "Installation Wizard", 
you will need to try and complete the Pre-Test.  This test will not 
affect your grade -- but I do need you to go ahead and attempt it 
because it uses the same content delivery system as your final exam and 
also serves as a means of assessment for the CSC 125 course.

If you know how to do everything on the pre-test -- then the rest of the 
course should be a complete breeze for you.  My hunch is that there are 
some things on there that you will not know how to do.  I know the first 
time I taught CSC 125 I learned a lot about features of Word, Access, 
and PowerPoint that I had NEVER seen before.  I even learned a thing or 
two about Excel -- which I use all the time.

If you are having trouble with the pre-test, or it crashes on you, 
please let me know.  It typically takes a while to load -- but after 
that it should work fine.   If, however, you are having major problems 
with it, then by all means let me know so I can check on what is 
happening and we can get things resolved before you have to take your 
final exam.

Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.  (pounds at theochem.mercer.edu)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University,  Macon, GA 31207   (478) 301-5627

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