[CSC 125] Extension AGAIN!

Andrew Pounds pounds_aj at mercer.edu
Sat Jun 5 13:56:46 EDT 2010

This is a message to the entire class -- although some of you can ignore 
most of if because you are making fantastic progress through the material.

It appears that roughly 20% of the class is having problems completing 
the pre-test (or have not completed the pretest) and several of you have 
not submitted anything for Word.  If you looked at your calendars this 
week you would have seen that all of the MyITLab word assignments were 
due tonight and that all of the BlackBoard Word capstone assignments 
were also due tonight.

Here is what I have done -- I have extended the due date for the pretest 
(one LAST time) to Monday night (June 7) and the due date for ALL of the 
Word items (both in MyITLab and in BlackBoard) to Tuesday night (June 
8).  Please get these submitted by then as the system will not let me 
start grading the assignments until after the due date.

Also -- you have A LOT that is due by next Saturday. Specifically:

1. ALL of the Excel items
2. Project 1
3. Project 2

I have gotten ZERO questions on the projects, so that most likely means 
that you either haven't started them or are having no trouble with 
them.  These first two projects are pretty easy -- but will still take 
you some time.

Just a fair warning -- we only have two and a half weeks left in this 5 
week term.  If you can't get the work turned in on time, then you will 
simply forfeit have to forfeit those grades.

Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.  (pounds at theochem.mercer.edu)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University,  Macon, GA 31207   (478) 301-5627

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