[CSC 125] Re: problem with myitlab excell chap4

Andrew J. Pounds pounds at theochem.mercer.edu
Sun Jul 17 18:37:43 EDT 2011

You are correct.  I just fixed it.

On 07/17/2011 06:28 PM,  wrote:
> you set the deadline dates for all the other excel chapters in my it 
> lab for 7-17-11- PM while the ecel chapter 4 was set to 7-17-11 AM. I 
> just had to finish that one up.. and do we have to complete the 
> practice trail for a grade on my it lab, thank very much.

Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.  (pounds at theochem.mercer.edu)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University,  Macon, GA 31207   (478) 301-5627

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