[CSC 125] Lots of Stuff Graded...

Andrew J. Pounds pounds at theochem.mercer.edu
Fri Jul 22 17:28:33 EDT 2011

Okay class -- in BlackBoard all of the Word and Excel items have been 
graded and also Projects 1 and 2.

I hope to get the Access assignments graded tomorrow.

Project 3 and 4 are due next Wednesday -- but it would be in your best 
interest to get them done before them.  If you understand how Access 
works, then you should have no problem getting project 4 done (it is way 

Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.  (pounds at theochem.mercer.edu)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University,  Macon, GA 31207   (478) 301-5627

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