[CSC 125] Problems Opening Files
Andrew J. Pounds
pounds_aj at mercer.edu
Tue Jul 24 06:49:13 EDT 2012
While the majority of you have had no problems opening and using the
files from the website, some of you have reported problems opening the
various LibreOffice files from the website. These problems are due to
either a partially downloaded file or, and more likely, a
misconfiguration of how your browser interprets the LibreOffice Open
Document Foundation extensions.
Here is how I recommend you proceed if you have errors opening a
LibreOffice file from your browser.
1. In Blackboard right click on the file and hit "Save As". When I do
this in Windows 7 a window should pop up asking you for the file
name and the file type. With some of the LibreOffice files I have
downloaded the file type is "XML Document". Change this to "All Files"
2. After the name explicitly put in the correct extension -- making
sure that there are no spaces between the end of the file and the
extension. They are
* .odt for LibreOffice Writer
* .ods for LibreOffice Calc
* .odp for LibreOffice Presentations
* .odb for LibreOffice Database
3. Save the file and then, outside of your browser, navigate to the
folder where you saved the file and double click on the file icon.
The file should open with the correct program.
4. If that doesn't work then open the desired LibreOffice's program and
try to open the document from the File->Open menu option.
Please let me know if you have other problems opening files.
Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D. (pounds at theochem.mercer.edu)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University, Macon, GA 31207 (478) 301-5627
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