Andrew J. Pounds pounds_aj at mercer.edu
Wed Jul 17 18:37:43 EDT 2013

Several of you missed the last deadline and at least two of you have 
missed several of the other earlier assignments.  I know that things can 
get hectic with the summer class -- and I have contacted some of you 
either via e-mail or text to try and make arrangements for you to submit 
late work.

Here is the BEST solution that I can come up with.  I have reopened the 
dropboxes in BlackBoard for the assignments that had at least two people 
with unsubmitted work. Please go to the grade center in dropbox and see 
what you are missing from the old assignments.  You can now again see 
the assignments under Course Content and should have access to all of 
the files you need to complete the assignments (this saves me the hassle 
of having to e-mail each of you assignment descriptions).

Those of you that have submitted your work on time -- you have my 
thanks.  Those of you that have had problems getting things submitted on 
time, you have until NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT to submit the late assignments.  
There will be a 15% penalty assessed for the late work, but believe me, 
getting something submitted for credit is better than taking a zero on 
the assignment.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.  (pounds_aj at mercer.edu)
Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University,  Macon, GA 31207   (478) 301-5627

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