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Alright --<br>
Several of you have now contacted me and let me know about some
problems you have been having getting going with the the class. Let me
try to address each of these.<br>
<li>Some of you are waiting on the bookstore to receive MyITLab
access codes. If codes do not come in Wednesday afternoon, I would
recommend asking for a refund from the bookstore and just purchasing a
MyITLab access code from the MyITLab site. Because you could not
control this <b>I am going to move the due date for the pre-test, and
all of the Word exams (MyITLab) and Castone Production Test Assignments
(BlackBoard) to this coming Saturday night at midnight.</b> I will
send you another e-mail once this has been completed.<br>
<li>Some of you have reported problems using your browsers and
MyITLab. Two things are critical here. The first is that you MUST use
Internet Explorer when working with MyITLab. Chrome, Firefox,
Seamonkey, etc, will not work properly. Secondly, MyITLab has not been
tested with Internet Explorer 8. If you have already installed
Internet Explorer 8, you can try and run it compatibility mode, which
still may not work, or you can downgrade back to Internet Explorer 7.
I am going to try the compatibility mode option on one of my systems --
I'll let you know how it goes.</li>
<li>E-Mail is the PRIMARY method I will use to communicate with you
and that you should use to communicate with me. I am teaching an
on-campus chemistry course this semester in addition to the online CSC
125. That means I am rarely near a phone during the day. I am able,
however, to pop into my office regularly to respond to e-mails. You
can certainly call me -- just know that you will probably have to leave
a message.</li>
<li>At least two of you have had problems getting Alice to load on
your computers running Vista. Because we have already lost so much
time (20% of the course) I am going to drop the Alice project from the
course. The remaining two projects -- that involve components from
Office 2007 will be increased in value from 10% of your grade each to
15% of your grade each. This constitutes a small change to the
syllabus. Unless, however, a majority of you object to this syllabus
change, the revised syllabus -- with each project counting 15% of the
grade -- will stand.<br>
<li>Please -- make sure you can log into BlackBoard and access the
assignments. As a reminder, all online exams and training will be
submitted via MyITLab and all other projects -- Capstone Production
Tests and Projects -- will be submitted via BlackBoard.</li>
If you have any comments or questions -- please let me know. I am
still waiting on an e-mail from several of you to let me know that you
are intending to stay in the class.<br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D. (<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:pounds@theochem.mercer.edu">pounds@theochem.mercer.edu</a>)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University, Macon, GA 31207 (478) 301-5627