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Good morning Summer CSC 125 Students -- <br>
Well the time for the class is just about upon us. I will tell you
that I have COMPLETELY revised this course to make it more
"friendly" for those that are abroad and/or are using systems other
than PC's (the former version of this class could only completed
using a PC running Windows). I have also made the course much more
cost effective because I am not requiring you to purchase a text,
any software keys to run textbook vendor software, or any commercial
software. However, the revisions in the course require that we
communicate more frequently. Our primary tool for that is e-mail.<br>
To facilitate better communication, I rebuilt my mail server and web
server back in late May. I also have subscribed all of your Mercer
e-mail addresses to my listserve. In some cases I also subscribed
additional e-mail addresses for some of you that sent them to me.<br>
Please go to the following <a
href="http://theochem.mercer.edu/mailman/listinfo/csc125">web page</a>
and add your G-Mail account and any other e-mail addresses you might
check. If your e-mail is already subscribed it will tell you. If
not, then it will be added. <br>
An added benefit of this server is that you can send e-mails to the
entire class by sending messages to <br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:csc125@theochem.mercer.edu">csc125@theochem.mercer.edu</a><br>
This is a moderated list -- so I check all the messages that go
through the server. This protects us all from spammers.<br>
The class <a href="http://theochem.mercer.edu/csc125">web page</a>
is where I will disseminate much of the information that you need.
There is a basic page in place there now -- but the content there
will grow substantially this weekend as I start to migrate from my
pre-release server to the production server.<br>
Finally -- while we have a good enrollment, and there is no chance
of the course being dropped, a bigger class makes for a much more
enjoyable experience for all of us. If you have any friends thats
are looking for a class this summer, please encourage them to take
the class. We are going to be doing some things that I am sure are
new to most of you. In addition to the "normal" things like
building documents and spreadsheets, I have also included some
advanced topics like "Programming Graphics for a Green Screen",
"Relational Databases for Pharmaceuticals", and "Scripting Google
Spreadsheets for Stock Market Analysis". The idea here is to open
your eyes to some of the really powerful things you can do with
computing that go far beyond just using Word and Excel.<br>
I've been busy -- but it's all targeted to introductory college
students that have some knowledge of how to navigate the internet.
Don't forget to sign up on the <a
A. Pounds<br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D. (<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:pounds@theochem.mercer.edu">pounds@theochem.mercer.edu</a>)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University, Macon, GA 31207 (478) 301-5627