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<font face="serif">Okay -- it looks like we picked up some
additional folks in the class today and I have heard from just
about everybody. That means we can start to get down to business!<br>
First -- if you need to reach me my <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:pounds_aj@mercer.edu">pounds_aj@mercer.edu</a> e-mail is
far and away the best way to find me. If that doesn't work you
can try texting me.<br>
Second -- there are TWO webpages for the class:<br>
1. BlackBoard (bb-mercer.blackboard.com) is where your assignments
are stored. I already have the weeks assignments out there and
many more will start to come online later this week. Go to the
COURSE CONTENT link on the left of the page to access the
assignments. When you download the assignment PDF files they will
give you explicit directions on what to turn in and where. In
many instances you will be referred to web content that is
delivered off of the other web site (Theochem). I also included
the course CALENDAR in the tools section which should clearly show
you upcoming due dates.<br>
2. Theochem (<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://theochem.mercer.edu/csc125">http://theochem.mercer.edu/csc125</a>) is the other main
website you will be using. I have complete control over this
website and maintain all of the content myself. As such I am able
to quickly put links out there for you and load content onto this
website in a manner that I cannot do easily with BlackBoard. I
will alert you when there are any changes made to this website.<br>
Your first assignment is due THURSDAY NIGHT of this week at
midnight. It is pretty simple, but if you have any questions
please let me know. Some of you have already completed the
assignment -- that's great! There are FIVE assignments due next
Monday night at midnight -- so you need to get started on them.
Some are easy -- some are not. Please avoid procrastination -- as
that is a real "grade killer" in this class. Once we pass a due
date it is impossible to submit the work for a grade.<br>
As you start working through the content if you have any questions
don't hesitate to contact me. I will generally respond to you
within the hour and, if I think it is something the class needs to
know about, I will copy the listserve on my response. <br>
Please understand -- there is something really cool (and insane)
about doing "Intro to Computing" in an online fashion, but it all
falls apart if you aren't willing to do the work in a timely
manner and ask questions as you need my assistance. I personally
rebuilt this course last year so that it was easier to do with
Apple, Windows, or Linux computers. In writing the exercises was
my hope to start you at a familiar place and then try to teach
you something new with respect to computing - so don't get
frustrated if you don't immediately know how to do everything.
That's what the web pages and I am here for! <br>
Now -- GO!<br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D. (<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:pounds_aj@mercer.edu">pounds_aj@mercer.edu</a>)
Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University, Macon, GA 31207 (478) 301-5627
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://faculty.mercer.edu/pounds_aj">http://faculty.mercer.edu/pounds_aj</a>