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Technical Support Information
Overlay 15 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 88 89 90 91 92 94 95 96 97 98 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114IOp(1/5)L103 MODE OF OPTIMIZATION L107: MODE OF SEARCH IOp(1/6)L102, L103, L105, L107, L109, L112, L113, L114: MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STEPS (OR
CONFV, RMS EST. DISPLACEMENT .LT. CONVX=4*CONVF L116, L117: Convergence on electric field/charges IOp(1/8)L103, L109, L112: MAXIMUM STEP SIZE ALLOWED DURING OPT. L117: General control. L121: Time step, N*0.0001 fs, default 0.1 IOp(1/9)L103: Use of Trust radius. 0 Whether to update trust radius (DXMaxT, default Yes). Default is Yes for minima, no for TS. 1 No. 2 Yes. 00 Whether to scale or search the sphere when reducing the step size to the trust radius (Default search for minima, scale for transition states.). 10 Scale. 20 Search. L107: WHETHER TO MAINTAIN SYMMETRY ALONG THE SEARCH PATH. 0 YES. 1 NO. L117: Whether to delete points which are too close together: 0 No 1 Yes, using a default criteria (0.05 Angstroms) -N Yes, using a (10**-N Angstroms) criteria. How close to get to the isosurface in search. 0 Approx 1.0D-6 (N=20) N 2.0**-N L121: Whether to read in initial velocities: 0 Default (same as 1) 1 Generate random initial velocity 2 Read in initial cartesian velocity (Bohr/sec) 3 Read in initial MW cartesian velocity (sqrt(amu)*Bohr/sec) IOp(1/10)L103, L105, L109, L112, L113, L114: Input of initial Hessian: All values must be in atomic units (Hartree, Bohr, and radians). 0 Use defaults (not valid for L109). 1 Read ((FC(I,J),J=1,I),I=1,NVAR) (8F10.6) (L103 only). 2 Read I,J,FC(I,J), (5I3,F20.0) (L103 only). End with a blank card. 3 Read from checkpoint file in internal coordinates. 4 Second derivative matrix calculated analytically. (not valid for L109). 5 Read cartesian forces and force constants from the checkpoint file are convert to internal coordinates. 6 Read cartesian forces followed
by cartesian force constants (both in format 6F12.8) 7 Use semiempirical force constants. 8 Use unit matrix (default for L105; only recognized by 103). 9 Estimate force constants using valence force field. 10 Use unit matrix throughout. IOp(1/11)L103: TEST OF CURVATURE. BOMB THE JOB IF THE SECOND SECOND DERIVATIVE MATRIX HAS THE WRONG NUMBER OF NEGATIVE EIGENVALUES. 0 DEFAULT (TEST for z-matrix or cartesian TS but not for LST/QST or for minimum). 1 DON'T TEST. 2 TEST. L117: Scaling Factor for Determining Overlaps of VDW atoms -1 Turn off scaling 0 Default is 1.010 N 1.000 + N*(0.001) Step size for ABM method in Trudge for isodensity method. 0 0.05 (N=2) N 0.1/N IOp(1/12)L103: OPTIMIZATION CONTROL PARAMETERS 0 USE DEFAULT VALUES 1 READ IN NEW VALUES FOR ALL PARAMETERS (SEE INITBS) IOp(1/13)L103,L113,L114,L115: Type of Hessian Update: 0 Default (9 for L103 minimization, 7 for L103 TS, D2Corr and L115, Powell for L113 and L114). 1 Powell (not in L103). 2 BFGS (not in L103) 3 BFGS, safeguarding positive definateness (not inL103 or L115) 4 D2Corr (New, only in L103 and L115). 5 D2Corr (Old, only in L103 and L115). 6 D2Corr (BFGS) 7 D2Corr (Bofill Powell+MS for transition states). 8 D2Corr (No update, use initial Hessian). 9 D2Corr (New if energy rises, otherwise BFGS). L121: Multi-time step parameter (NDtrC,NDtrP) 0 No multi-time stepping NN Iterate density constraints NN times per step MM00 Do gradient once every MM steps IOp(1/14)L103: Max. number of bad steps to allow before attempting a linear minimization (i.e., no quadratic step). 0 Default (0 for TS, 1 for minima). N Allow N -- linear only starts with the N+1st. IOp(1/15)L103,L109: ABORT IF DERIVATIVES TOO LARGE -1 or 0 No force test at all. N FMAXT = 0.1 * N IOp(1/16)L103,L113,L114: MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE MAGNITUDE OF THE EIGENVALUESOF THE SECOND DERIVATIVE MATRIX. IF THE LIMIT IS EXCEEDED, THE SIZE OF THE EIGENVALUE IS REDUCED TO THE MAXIMUM, AND PROCESSING CONTINUES. 0 EIGMAX = 25.0 HARTREE / BOHR**2 OR RADIAN**2 N EIGMAX = 0.1 * N IOp(1/17)L103,L113,L114: MINIMUM ALLOWABLE MAGNITUDE OF THE EIGENVALUES OF THE SECOND DERIVATIVE MATRIX. SIMMILAR TO IOp(16) 0 EIGMIN = 0.0001 N EIGMIN = 1. / N IOp(1/18)L103: Coordinate system. 0 Proceed normally 1 Second derivatives will be computed as directed on the variable definition cards. No optimization will occur. 10 Do optimization in cartesian coordinates. 20 Do full optimization in redundant internal coord. 30 Do full optimization in pruned distance matrix coords. 40 Do optimization in Z-matrix coordinates. 50 Do full optimization in redundant internal coords with large molecular tools. 100 Read the AddRedundant input section for each structure. 1000 Do not define H-bonds 2000 Define H-bonds with no related coordinates (default) 3000 Define H-bonds and related coordinates 10000 Reduce the number of redundant internals 20000 Define all redundant internals 100000 Old definition of redundant internals. 0000000 Default (2000000). 1000000 Skip MM atoms in internal coordinate definitions and do microiterations the old way, in L103. 2000000 Include MM atoms in internal coordinate definitions (no microiterations). 3000000 Skip MM atoms in internal coordinate definitions and do microiterations the new way, in L120. 4000000 Microiterations for pure MM, done in L402. IOp(1/19)L103: SEARCH SELECTION 0 Default (same as 6). 2 LINEAR AND STEEPEST DESCENT. 3 STEEPEST DESCENT AND LINEAR ONLY WHEN ESSENTIAL. 4 Quadratic if curvature is correct; RFO if not. Linear as usual. 5 Quadratic if curvature is correct; RFO if not. No linear search. 6 RFO and linear. 7 RFO without linear. 8 Newton-Raphson and linear. 9 Newton-Raphson only. 10 GDIIS and linear 11 GDIIS only. 13 First-order simultaneous optimization. L113,L114: Search Selection: 0 P-RFO OR RFO STEP ONLY (DEFAULT) 1 P-RFO OR RFO STEP FOR "WRONG" HESSIAN OTHERWISE NEWTON-RAPHSON IOp(1/20)L101, L106, L108, L109, L110: INPUT UNITS 0 ANGSTROMS DEGREES 1 BOHRS DEGREES 2 ANGSTROMS RADIANS 3 BOHRS RADIANS IOp(1/21)L103,L113,L114: EXPERT SWITCH. 0 NORMAL MODE. 1 EXPERT MODE: CERTAIN CUTOFFS USED TO CONTROL THE OPTIMIZATION WILL BE RELAXED. THESE INCLUDE FMAXT, DXMAXT, EIGMAX AND EIGMIN. IOp(1/22)L107: Whether to reorder coordinates for maximum coincidence. 0 Yes. 1 Assume reactant order equals product order. 2 Read in a re-ordering vector from the input. L115: KIND OF SEARCH: 0 BOTH DIRECTIONS AND GENERATE SEARCH VECTOR 1 FORWARD DIRECTION AND GENERATE S. VECTOR 2 BACKWARD DIRECTION AND GENERATE S. VECTOR 3 BOTH DIRECTIONS AND GENERATE S. VECTOR 4 FORWARD DIRECTION AND READ S. VECTOR 8F10.6 5 FORWARD DIRECTION AND READ S. VECTOR 8F10.6 6 BACKWARD DIRECTION AND READ S. VECTOR 8F10.6 7 BOTH DIRECTIONS AND READ S. VECTOR 8F10.6 IOp(1/23)L112: Derivative availability. 0 Energy only. 1 Energy + Forces. 2 Energy + Forces + Force constants IOp(1/24)Whether to round tetrahedral angles. 0 Default (Yes). 1 Yes, round angles within 0.001 degree. 2 No. IOp(1/25)Wether SCRF is used with numerical polarizability: 0 No. 1 Yes, the field in /Gen/ must be cleared each time. IOp(1/26)Accuracy of function being optimized: -NNMM Energy 10**-(NN), Gradient 10**-(MM). -1 Read in values 0 Default (same as 1). 1 Normal accuracy for HF (energy and gradient both 1.d-7). 2 Standard grid accuracy for DFT (Energy 1.d-5, gradient 1.d-4) 3 Fine grid accuracy for DFT (Energy 1.d-7, gradient 1.d-6) IOp(1/27)= IJKL (i.e. 1000*I+100*J+10*K+L) Transition state searching using QST and redundant internal coordinates L= 0,1 Input one structure, either initial guess of the minimizing structure or transition structure without QST. L= 2 Input 2 structures, the first one is the reactant, the second one is the product. The union of the two redundant coordinates are taken as the redundant coords for the TS. The values of the TS coord are estimated by interpolating the sturcture of R and P. R and P are used to guide the QST optimization of the TS. L= 3 Input 3 structures. The first one is reactant the second one is the product. The third one is the initial guess of the transition structure. R and P are used to guide the QST optimization of the TS. K = 1-9 Interpolation of initial guess of TS between R and P (TS=0.1*J*R + 0.1*(10-J)*P, default J=5) J = 1 LST constraint in internals J = 2 QST constraint in internals J = 3 LST constraint in distance matrix space J = 4 QST constraint in distance matrix space I = 0-9 Control parameters for climbing phase of QST (e.g. QSTRad = 0.01*I, default QSTrad = 0.05) IOp(1/28)L103: Number of translations and rotations to remove during redundant coordinate transformations: -2 0. -1 Normal (6 or 5 for linear molecules). 0 Default, same as -1. N N. IOp(1/29)L101: SPECIFICATION OF NUCLEAR CENTERS 0 BY Z-MATRIX 1 BY DIRECT COORDINATE INPUT (must set IOp(29) in L202). 2 GET Z-MATRIX AND VARIABLES FROM THE CHECKPOINT FILE. 3 GET CARTESIAN COORDINATES ONLY FROM THE CHECKPOINT FILE. 4 By model builder, model A. 5 By model builder, model B. 6 Get Z-matrix from the checkpoint file, but read new values for some variables from the input stream. 7 Get all input (title, charge and multiplicity, structure) from the checkpoint file. 10 Print details of the model building process. 000 Default (same as 100). 100 Do not abort job if model builder generates a z-matrix with too many variables. 200 Abort job if model builder generates a z-matrix with too many variables. 1000 Read optimization flags in format 50L1 after the z-matrix. 2000 Set all optimization flags to optimize. 3000 Purge flags except the frozen variables. 4000 Rebuild the coordinate system. 5000 (2+3) Purge all flags but keep the coordinate definition. 00000 Default, same as 10000. 10000 Mark Z-matrix constants as frozen variables rather than wired-in constants. 20000 Do not retain symbolic constants. 100000 Generate a symbolic z-matrix using all Cartesians if none is present on the checkpoint file (a hack to make IRCs work with Cartesian input). 200000 Same as one, but retain the redundant internal coordinate definitions. IOp(1/30)L103: ARE THE READ-WRITE FILES TO BE UPDATED? THIS OPTION IS SET FOR THE LAST CALL TO 103 IN FREQUENCY CALCULATIONS IN ORDER TO PRESERVE THE VALUES OF THE VARIABLES FOR ARCHIVING. It also suppresses error termination on large gradients. 0 YES 1 NO IOp(1/32)TITLE CARD PUNCH CONTROL. 0 DON'T PUNCH. 1 PUNCH. IOp(1/33)L101: L102 L103 L106 L109 L110 L113 L114 DEBUG PRINT 0 OFF 1 ON IOp(1/34)L101 L102 L103: DEBUG + DUMP PRINT 0 OFF 1 ON IOp(1/35)RESTART (L102-L112). 0 NORMAL OPTIMIZATION. 1 FIRST POINT OF A RESTART. GET GEOMETRY, WAVEFUNCTION, ET. FROM THE CHECKPOINT FILE. IOp(1/36)CHECKPOINT. 0 NORMAL CHECKPOINT OF OPTIMIZATION. 1 SUPPRESS CHECKPOINTING. IOp(1/37)D2E CLEANUP (obsolete) 0 NO CLEANUP. 1 THIS IS THE LAST POINT AT WHICH ANALYTIC SECOND DERIVATIVES WILL BE DONE. DELETE THE D2E FILE AND THE BUCKETS AND TRUNCATE THE READ/WRITE FILES. IOp(1/38)Entry control option (currently only by L106, L107, L108, L109, L110, L111, and L112 but not L102, L103, and L105). 0 Continuation of run. 1 Initial entry. N>1 . In L103: Initial entry of guided optimization using N levels. N0 In L106: differentiate Nth derivatives once. In L110 and L111: differentiate energy N times. 000 In L106: differentiate wrt nuclear coordinates. 100 In L106: differentiate wrt electric field. 200 In L106: differentiate wrt field and nuclear. IOp(1/39)Step size control for numerical differentiation. (L106, L109, L110, L111). Path step size in L115. 0 Use internal default (0.001 Angstroms in L106, 0.005 A in L109, 0.01 Angstrom in L110, 0.001 au in L111). N Use step-size of 0.0001*N (angstroms in L106, L109, L110, electric field au in L111). -1 Read stepsize (up to 2 for L106, 1 for others), free-format. -N>1 Use step-size of 0.0001*N atomic units everywhere. IOp(1/40)L113, L114: Hessian recalculation. -1 Pick up analytic second derivatives every time. 0 Just update. The default, execpt for CalcAll. N Recalculation the Hessian every N steps. L116: Whether to read initial E-field: 0 Start with 0.0. 1 Read from checkpoint file. 2 Read from input stream. IOp(1/41)Step number of optimization from which to take geometry. -1 for the initial geometry IOp(1/42)L103, L115: Number of points along the reaction path in each direction. Default is 6. L117: Cutoff to be used in evaluating densities. 0 1.0D-10 N 1.0D-N IOp(1/43)L116: Extent of Reaction Field. 0 Dipole 1 Quadrupole 2 Octapole 3 Hexadecapole L117: How to define Radii 0 Default is 11 1 Use internally stored Radii, centers will be on atoms 2 Read-in centers and radii on cards 10 Force Merz-Kollman radii (Default) 20 Force CHELP (Francl) recommended radii. 30 Force CHELPG (Breneman) recommended radii. 100 Read in replacement radii for selected atom types as pairs (IAn,Rad) or (Symbol,Rad), terminated by a blank line. 200 Read in replacment radii for selected atoms as pairs (I,Rad), terminated by a blank line. Initial radius of spheres to be placed around attractors to "capture" the gradient trajectories. The final radius is then automatically optimized separately for each atom. 0 0.1 NM N.M = NM/10 IOp(1/44)IRC Type 0 Default (same as 3). 1 Cartesian. 2 Internal. 3 Mass-weighted. L117: Maximum distance between a nucleus and its portion of the isosurface - used in Trudge only to eliminate, from the outset, points which clearly lie in another basin. This parameter should be chosen with the parameter Cont in mind 0 10.0 au NM N.M au = NM/10 L121: Seed for random number generator (ISeed) -1 Use system time initialize iseed (Note each run will give different results) 0 Use default seed value (ISeed = 398465) N Set random number seed to N IOp(1/45)Read isotopes in L115. 0 Do not read isotopes. 1 Read Isotopes. IOp(1/46)Order of multipoles in numerical SCRF: 0 Dipole 1 Quadrupole 2 Octapole 3 Hexadecapole. IOp(1/47)Number of redundant internal coordinates to allow for. 0 Default: 50000 N N. IOp(1/48)IRCMax control. 1 Do IRCMax 20 Include zero-point energy. CIOp(1/49)Options to IRC path relaxation (IJKL) L 2/1 dont/do optimize reactant structure. Default: 1 K 2/1 dont/do optimize product structure. Default: 1 J 3/2/1 dont/QST3/QST2 optimize TS structure (for QST input). Default: 1 I 2/1 unimolecular/bimolecular reaction. Default: unimolecular IOp(1/52)L101 and L120: Type of ONIOM calculation: 0/1 One layer, normal calculation 2 Two layers 3 Three layers 00 Default (20) 10 Include electrostatics in model systems using MM charges. 20 No electrostatics included in the model systems 100 Do full square for testing. N000 Use atomic charge type N-1 during microiterations. The default is MK charges. IOp(1/53)L120: Action of each invocation of L120: 0 Do nothing 1 Set up point MM on rwf from initial data 2 Set up point MM on rwf from initial data and restore point MM on chk file if ONIOM data is present there. 3 Restore point M from data on the rwf. 4 Integrate energy 5 Integrate energy and gradient 6 Integrate energy, gradient, and hessian 7 Restore point MM from RWF but do not create a new model system. NN0 Save necessary information (some rwf's, energy, gradients, hessian) of point NN of the ONIOM grid. NN = MaxLev**2 + 1 (currently 17) to restore real system. MM000 Next point to do is MM. Calc Level High 4--7--9* S M L system size IOp(1/54)Whether to recover initial energy during IRCMax from chk file: 0 No. 1 Yes. IOp(1/55)L103: Options for GDIIS: ICos*1000+IChkC*100+IMix*10+Method form. L115: IRC optimization. 0 Default, use gradients to find the next geometry. 1 Use displacements to find the next geometry. IOp(1/56)Set of atom type names to parse: 0 Accept any. 1 Dreiding/UFF. 2 Amber. 3 Amber allowing any symbol, for use with parameters in input stream. IOp(1/57)Whether to produce connectivity: 0 Default (4 if reading geom from chk file and connectivity is there, otherwise 3). 1 No. 2 Yes, read from input stream 3 Yes, generate connectivity. 4 Yes, read from checkpoint file. 5 Yes, read from rwf file. 10 Read modifications. 100 Connectivity input is in terms of z-matrix entries, including dummy atoms. IOp(1/58)IRCMax control in L115. IOp(1/59)Update of coordinates in L103 0 Default (1 for large opt, 2 for regular) 1 New versions. 2 Old version. IOp(1/60)Interpret extra integer and fp values in z-matrix as scan information. 0 Default (No). 1 Yes. 2 No. IOp(1/61)How ONIOM should leave the rwf at the end of each geomtry: 0 Default (1). 1 Normal: leave the rwf set up for the low-level calculation on the real system. 2 MOMM: leave the rwf set up for the real system, but with NBasis and NBsUse for the high-level calc on the model system. Useful for treating the full system as having electrons only on the QM atoms. IOp(1/62)Counterpoise control. NN NN fragments, NN < 50. IOp(1/63)Step in counterpoise calculation: MNN M = order of derivatives (1=Energy, 2=Gradient, NN = 0 Supermolecule 1-NFrag Fragments with ghost atoms NFrag+1 - 2*NFrag -- lone fragments IOp(1/64)Molecular mechanics force field selection: 0 None. 1 Dreiding. 2 UFF. 3 AMBER. 4 MM2 (NYI). 5 MM3 (NYI). 6 MMFF (NYI). 7 Quartic fitting field (NYI). 000 Use only hard-wired. 100 Use soft and hard-wired, hard-wired has priority. 200 Use soft and hard-wired, soft has priority. 300 Use only soft. Lowest 2 digits then have no meaning. 0000 Do not read modifications to parameter set. 1000 Read modifications to parameter set. 00000 With soft parameters, abort when different parameters match to the same degree. 10000 Use the first when there are equivalent matches. 20000 Use the last when there are equivalent matches. If IOp(67)=3, then the default is to apply soft parameters with higher priority. IOp(1/65)Control of which terms are included in MM, corresponding to the 'classes' in FncInf. 0 Do all (default) 1 Non-bonded 10 Stretching 100 Bending 1000 Torsion 10000 Out-of-plane IOp(1/66)Whether to generate QEQ charges, over-written the values in AtChMM, or to use the values already there. 0 Default (2, 1==> 221) 1 Do QEq. 2 Don't do QEq. 00 Default (10) 10 Do for atoms which were not explicitly typed. 20 Do for all atoms regardless of typing. 000 Default (100) 100 Do for atoms which have charge specified or defaulted to 0. 200 Do for all atoms regardless of initial charge. IOp(1/67)Source of MM parameters. 0 Default: 2 if reading geom from chk file, else 1. 1 Generate here, reading from input if requested by IOp(64). 2 Copy from chk file. 3 Pick up non-standard parameters from chk file. IOp(1/70)L118 Type of sampling (Nact) 0 Defalt (same as 3) 1 Orthant sampling 2 Microcanonical normal mode sampling 3 Fixed normal mode energy 4 Local mode sampling ( now only Nact = 0 or 3 OK ) IOp(1/71)Whether to print out input files for each structure along an IRC: 0 No. 1 Yes. IOp(1/72)L103: Algorithm choice for microiterations. L121: Lagrangian constrain method for ADMP (ICType) Half*Gamma*Tr[(P*P-P)**2] + Lambda*[Tr(P)-Ne] + Eta*Tr(P*P-P) 0 Default Same as 7 if no Mass-Weighting (IOp(76) < 0) Same as 10 if Mass-Weighting (IOp(76) > 0) 1 Use Lambda and Eta only. (Gamma=0) 2 Use Lambda, Eta, Gamma. Gamma = .2 3 Use Lambda, Eta, Gamma. Gamma = 1. Constraints for scalar Mass case: 4 Use exact constraint Sum(ij)[Vij*(P**2-P)ij] 5-7 Iterative Scheme same as 4. Different initial guesses. 7 is default for scalar mass case. Constraints for tensorial Mass: 8-11 Mass-weighting constraints. Documentation maybe found in DVelV1. 10 is default. IOp(1/73)L103: NInit for microiterations. L121: Initial Kinetic energy of the Nuclei (EStrtC) 0 Default (.1 Hartree) N>0 N*micro-Hartree N<0 0.0 Hartree IOp(1/74)Charge scaling for charge embedding in ONIOM. IJKLMN 6th through 1st nearest neighbors of current layer scaled by I*0.2, J*0.2, etc. 0 ==> 5 (no scaling); all layers are scaled by at least as much as ones farther out. The default is 500. M Factor for charges one bond away from link atom L0 Factor for charges two bonds away from link atom K00 Factor for charges three bonds away from link atom IJ etc. The actual factors used are: 0: 1.0 1: 0.0 2: 0.2 3: 0.4 4: 0.6 5: 0.8 6-9: 1.0 IOp(1/75)ADMP control flag (ICntrl) 0 Standard ADMP 1 Read converged density at every step 2 Fix the nuclear coordinates 3 Test time reversability (MaxStp must be even) 00 Default (20). 10 Read stopping parameters from input. 20 Do not read stopping parameters. IOp(1/76)+/- XXXXZYYYY = Fictitous electron mass (EMass) YYYY Default (1000) Z Mass-weighting option. If IOp(76)<0, Z is meaningless. XXXX If PBC: Mass of Box Coordinates (BoxMas) = XXXX*.0001 AMU BoxMas=0 Box coordinates not propagated (default). IOp(1/77)Initial Kinetic energy of the density matrix (EStrtP) (For UHF, Alpha and Beta each get half this energy) and Option Number to compute initial kinetic energy. Format of Input: XXYYYY (six digits) IWType = XX N = YYYY (For UHF, Alpha and Beta each get half this energy) 0 Default (0.0 Hartree) N>0 N*micro-Hartree IWType is used to figure out how the initial velocity is is computed (in gnvelp). If XXYYYY < 0 : Initial velocity = 0.0 Hartee (i.e., currently same as N=0 above) IOp(1/78)Sparse in L121 -N Sparse here with cutoff 10**(-N), full elsewhere 0 Use full matrices or spase based on standard settings. 1 Use sparse fixed form IOp(1/79)IRCMax convergence in L115 Stopping criteria in L118 and L121. IOp(1/80)L106: 0/1/2 Cartesian/Normal mode/Internal coordinate differentiation. 2 is NYI. L118: .eq.1 to surpress the 5th order correction after surface hop has been made in Trajectory Surface Hopping calculations. Needs also IOp(10/80=1) Nuclear Kinetic Energy Thermostat Option. (Currently only Velocity scaling is implemented) 0 No Thermostat. 11XXXXX Velocity scaling, but only for the first XXXXX simulation steps. (This options is useful, if thermostating in only required during equilibration. 1000000 Velocity scaling, all the way through the simulation. IOp(1/81)Nuclear KE thermostat in ADMP -- temperate is checked and scaled every IOp(81) steps. IOp(1/82)Temperature for nuclear KE thermostat in L121. IOp(1/83)Whether to read in frequencies for electric and magnetic perturbations. 0 Default (No). 1 Yes. 2 No. IOp(1/84)Differentiation of frequency-dependent properties. 0 No. N Mask for which properties on file 721 will be differentiated. IOp(1/85)Band gap calculation in PBC ADMP: 0 Default (No). 1 Diagonalizae Fock matrix to get band gap, evolution, etc. 2 No. IOp(1/86)Printing for NMR for ONIOM. 0 Default (1). 1 Print tensors and eigenvalues. 2 Print eigenvectors as well. IOp(1/87)ONIOM integration of density. 0 Do not integrate. 1 Integrate current densities. 2 Integrate densities specified by following digits: K0 Density to use from gridpoint 1 L00 Density to use from gridpoint 2 M000 etc. K,L,M,etc: 0: SCF 1: MP first order 2: MP2 3: MP3 4: MP4 5: CI one-particle 6: CI 7: QCI/CC 8: Correct to second order IOp(1/88)Whether to read in atomic masses (isotopes): 0 Default (1 if geometry read from input, 4 if geometry read from chk) 1 Use most abundant isotopes. 2 Read isotopes from input. The temperature and pressure are read first, for backwards compatibility. 3 Read isotopes from rwf. 4 Read isotopes from chk. IOp(1/89)Maximum allowed deviation from average nuclear KE during ADMP, in Kelvin. IOp(1/90)To read in the velocity in cartesian coordinates Nuclear Kinetic Energy Thermostat Option. Average energy (in microhartree) to be maintained during Simulation, as required by IOp(80). IOp(1/91)Thermostat Option. IOp(1/92)Maximum allowed deviation from average nuclear KE specified in IOp(81). Also in microhartree. IOp(1/94, 95, 96, 97, 98)IOp(94): Davidson control for quadratic micro-iterations (see MMOpt2)IOp(95): RFO/Davidson control for quadratic micro-iterations (see MMOpt2) IOp(96): Davidson control for coupled QM/MM macro step (see MMOpt2) IOp(97): RFO/Davidson control for coupled QM/MM macro step (see MMOpt2) IOp(98): Control of quadratic micro-iterations and coupled QM/MM quadratic macro step. <0 Do not use dynamic convergence criteria for the micro-iterations. 0 Default(15). 1 Regular non-coupled macro step. 2 Coupled macro step, full diagonalization. 3 Coupled macro step, direct /w full Hessian incore. 4 Coupled macro step, direct /w MM Hessian incore. 5 Coupled macro step, fully direct. 10 Regular micro-iterations. 20 Quadratic micro-iterations, full diagonalization. 30 Quadratic micro-iterations, direct /w prepared Hessian incore. 40 Quadratic micro-iterations, direct /w raw MM Hessian incore. 50 Quadratic micro-iterations, fully direct. IOp(1/101, 102, 103, 104)Phase control in L115 and L118: N1, N2, N3, N4 IOp(1/105)Reaction direction 00 Default (Same as 10) 10 Forward direction 20 Reverse direction Damped-Velocity Verlet (DVV) options for Dynamic Reaction Path Following 0 Default (Same as 2) 1 Use DVV 2 Do not use DVV 00 Default (Same as 10) 10 Follow the rxn path in the forward direction 20 Follow the rxn path in the reverse direction 000 Default (Same as 200) 100 Time step correction not used 200 Time step correction used but not to recalculate current DVV step 300 Time step correction used and current DVV step recalculated 0000 Default (Same as 1000) 1000 Use DVV stopping criteria 2000 Do NOT use DVV stopping criteria IOp(1/106)Damping constant for DVV Dynamic Rxn Path following (v0) 0 Default v0=0.04 (N=400) N v0 is set to N*0.0001 IOp(1/107)Error tolerance for DVV time step correction (Error) 0 Default Error=0.003 (N=30) N Error=N*0.0001 IOp(1/108)Gradient magnitude for DVV stopping criteria (Crit1) 0 Default (N=15) N N*0.0001 IOp(1/109)Force-Velocity angle for DVV stopping criteria (Crit2) 0 Default (90 Degrees) N Use N Degrees IOp(1/110)Scaling of rigid fragment steps during microiterations. 0 Do not scale 1 Scale with 1/NRA (NRA = number of atoms in fragment) 2 Scale with 1/Sqrt(NRA) -n Scale with 1/n IOp(1/111)Step-size to use with steepest descent when L103 is having trouble: -N Scale up to RMS step of N/1000 if DXRMS is less. -1 Effectively disables the scaling 0 Default (50) N Scale up or down to maximum change in a variable of N/1000 IOp(1/112)Temperature for thermochemistry. 0 Default (standard temperature, unless read in). N N/1000 degrees. IOp(1/113)Pressure for thermochemistry. 0 Default (1 atomosphere, unless read in). N N/1000 atmospheres. IOp(1/114)Scale factor for harmonic frequencies for use in thermochemistry and harmonic vibration-rotation analysis. 0 Default (1 unless specified by IOp in overlay 7 or read in). N N/1000000. |