[CSC 125] Getting Help in MyITLab

Andrew J. Pounds pounds_aj at mercer.edu
Wed Jun 10 15:50:31 EDT 2009

Some of you may have already figured this out because it seems obvious 
when you view your grades in MyITLab.

When you take a MyITLab exam, it keeps track of EVERYTHING you do an 
creates a report for that.  Once you complete the exam, click on the 
"Grades" tab in the main MyITLab screen.  Using the left navigation, 
select the test you just took.  For example, you will probably have to 
click through "Exploring Office 2007 -> Excel -> Excel Chapter 2: 
Formulas and Functions, Math Basics.  If you just took that test, then 
you should see a line indicating that.  If you place your mouse on the 
test name, there is a tab for a drop down which gives you some options 
-- select "View Submission".

This show you everything you did while taking the test and will show you 
which ones you got correct and incorrect.  Furthermore it tells you the 
EXACT page number in your text where you can look up how to accomplish 
the specific task and also gives you a button on the far left to Launch 
training.  So imagine this -- you take the exam -- it tells you where 
you screwed up and also tells you where to look  in the book or online 
to get the right answer and then you can take the exam again and again 
and again -- and I keep your best score...   geez... maybe  I made this 
too easy...

With these tools, as long as you start soon enough you should do 
exceptionally well on these online exams.

Let me know if you have questions.

Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.  (pounds at theochem.mercer.edu)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University,  Macon, GA 31207   (478) 301-5627

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