[CSC 125] Sympathy and Opened Assignments

Andrew J. Pounds pounds at theochem.mercer.edu
Thu Jul 14 06:55:09 EDT 2011

CSC 125 Students --

I want to thank all of you that e-mailed me last night regarding the 
course.  It let me know that you were indeed reading the e-mails that I 
was sending out related to due dates and missed assignments.   I am not 
going to discuss my reasons -- but I have decided to reopen -- until 
Friday night at midnight -- the Word assignments in /MyITLab/ and 
/BlackBoard/.   Because two of you apparently just got your MyITLab 
keys, I am also reopening the pretest.

Thankfully, many of you already have the Word assignments done and are 
just working on getting the two projects and the Excel assignments 
completed.   Believe it or not, there is one student that has already 
turned in EVERYTHING except for some of the Access assignments and 
Project 4!

So -- lets get task oriented.  Make sure you have done the following 
things by *Friday Night at Midnight*

   1. MyITLab Configuration
   2. MyITLab Pretest
   3. MyITLab Word 1
   4. BlackBoard Word 1
   5. MyITLab Word 2
   6. BlackBoard Word 2
   7. MyITLab Word 3
   8. BlackBoard Word 3
   9. MyITLab Word 4
  10. BlackBoard Word 4
  11. Project 1 -- Computer Hardware/Software Configuration
  12. Project 2 -- Light Python Programming

By *Sunday night at midnight* you need to have the following completed

  13. MyITLab Excel 1
  14. BlackBoard Excel 1
  15. MyITLab Excel 2
  16. BlackBoard Excel 2
  17. MyITlab Excel 3
  18. BlackBoard Excel 3
  19. MyITlab Excel 4
  20. BlackBoard Excel 4

Print out this e-mail and "check them off" as you get them done.  Just 
get everything done!

As always, if you are having problems with MyITLab, BlackBoard, or are 
confused about anything in the assignments, don't hesitate to e-mail me.

Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.  (pounds at theochem.mercer.edu)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University,  Macon, GA 31207   (478) 301-5627

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