[CSC 125] Re: Excel BlackBoard Assignment

Andrew J. Pounds pounds at theochem.mercer.edu
Wed Jul 13 19:28:30 EDT 2011

On 07/13/2011 06:07 PM, wrote:
> Dr. Pounds,
> May you advise on how BlackBoard assignments are calculated?
For some reason this got dropped from the syllabus -- sorry about that.

Basically each Office project is graded on a 0-3 basis.  I have a list 
of items that I look for specifically on each assignment and based on 
the items completed correctly assign grades as follows.

3   -- nearly perfect or only one minor error
2   -- multiple minor errors or one major error/omission
1   -- multiple major errors or omissions
0  -- not submitted

So after all of these are submitted (there are 16 total) I take the 
average of these numbers and that counts for 30% of your grade in the 

Each PROJECT has a grading rubric associated with it and when I grade 
those you will see actual grade sheet in BlackBoard.  Again, the four 
project scores are averaged and this accounts for another 30% of your grade.

MyITLab exams account for 30% of your grade.

The final is 10% of your grade.

Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.  (pounds at theochem.mercer.edu)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University,  Macon, GA 31207   (478) 301-5627

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