[CSC 125] For the benefit of those still working on the first programming assignment
Andrew J. Pounds
pounds_aj at mercer.edu
Mon Jul 2 15:02:31 EDT 2012
I know I mentioned in this in the documentation for Program 1 -- but I
need to say it again because it has come up twice today.
Python uses indention to determine which parts of a program go
together. For that reason you have to pay very careful attention to how
much you indent things and where you indent things. If you copy and
paste from the PDF file straight into Notepad (or Text Editor for Mac
folks), you will in all likelihood lose the indentation structure. Just
add the appropriate spaces so that things look indented like they are in
the program shown in the PDF file.
Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D. (pounds at theochem.mercer.edu)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University, Macon, GA 31207 (478) 301-5627
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