[CSC 125] New Assignments and What's Next

Andrew J. Pounds pounds_aj at mercer.edu
Mon Jul 2 20:19:33 EDT 2012

I know you probably don't want to hear this, but I've added the next 
"set" of assignments to BlackBoard.  I sent an e-mail to you this 
morning regarding Word Processing Assignment 2 -- but here are the other 
ones that are now in BlackBoard.

  * Spreadsheet 2 -- A Linear Regression Graph.   This requires you to
    start with a dataset that I have shared with you in Google Docs. 
    The directions are very explicit and introduce you to creating
    graphs in LibreOffice
  * Presentation 2 -- A Business Presentation.  This builds on concepts
    from your initial presentation but walks you through some of the
    finer points of creating a presentation.
  * Programming 2 -- A Game of Chance.  I provide you with a working
    Python program (you download it) and then you have to answer some
    questions using the program.  You then have to make some minor
    MODIFICATIONS  to the program to  answer some tougher questions.

The assignments and the Word Processing 2 assignment are all due a week 
from today (Monday July 9th) at midnight.  I am trying to figure out how 
to introduce the next topic -- databases -- which has proven to be one 
of the hardest for students to grasp.  I will most likely get this all 
sorted out by Thursday and post the assignment to BlackBoard with a due 
date of Thursday July 12th.

Keep those questions (and completed assignments) coming...

Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.  (pounds at theochem.mercer.edu)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University,  Macon, GA 31207   (478) 301-5627

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