[CSC 125] Deadlines and more Deadlines

Andrew J. Pounds pounds_aj at mercer.edu
Tue Jul 3 08:17:47 EDT 2012

There's nothing like a deadline to work out the kinks in an online 
class.  I want to applaud about half of the class who got EVERYTHING 
turned in on time.  Another set of you got all but one assignment turned 
in last night on time.  And then there was another subset of you that 
had difficulty getting much of anything turned it.

Some of you also tried to install python for the first time last night 
and ran into troubles.  I really don't enjoy getting e-mails at 10 pm 
(two hours before an assignment is due) telling me that you are just now 
installing the software I told you about on the first day of class).  
But -- it happens.  It's actually kind of interesting.  Between the time 
I left the office at 7 pm and midnight I responded to over 30 e-mails...

Another subset had difficulty figuring out when things were due because 
you were in a different timezone.

Here's the deal -- the first "real" due date in an online class always 
exposes the weak links in the submission process and also helps students 
identify where they really need to get help.   For that reason (and this 
one time only)  I have reopened the four assignments that were due last 
night and set the new due date to this THURSDAY (July 5th) by midnight.

Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.  (pounds at theochem.mercer.edu)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University,  Macon, GA 31207   (478) 301-5627

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