[CSC 125] Don't Wait!

Andrew J. Pounds pounds_aj at mercer.edu
Wed Jul 25 12:38:39 EDT 2012

Students -- while three of you have already turned in all of the 
assignments that are due tonight, others of you are waiting.  I urge you 
not to wait until late tonight to start on these.  The scientific paper 
will take some of you time just because you will have to learn how to 
use the equation editor.

That being said, I have another meeting until about nine pm tonight, so 
I won't be available for questions between 5 and 9.  I will try to 
respond to everything before 5 and after 9 - but based on past history 
so many questions come in late that it is almost impossible to get to 
them all before the midnight deadline.

Why am I telling you this -- because EVERYTHING is due tonight.  If you 
are one of those students that has corresponded with me about 
resubmitting something, but hasn't yet gotten it to me, you have until 

I will be sending information out tomorrow regarding our final on Friday.

Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.  (pounds at theochem.mercer.edu)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University,  Macon, GA 31207   (478) 301-5627

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