[CSC 125] EPS files

Andrew J. Pounds pounds_aj at mercer.edu
Wed Jul 25 15:56:01 EDT 2012

Several of you are reporting problems trying to open the h2opot.eps 
file.  This is an Encapsulate Postscript file (VERY common in scientific 

When you try to insert the figure in LibreOffice, click on the button 
that opens up the other file formats, you should see one entry for EPS 

Now, if after you load the figure it still does not display on your 
screen, that is not a problem.  The figure is there, you just do not 
have a postscript previewer installed on your computer to handle these 
files.  You might get something that looks like a box with some words it 
in -- that's fine.

Postscript and Encapsulated Postcript are actually programming languages 
(like Python) for printers.  Many graphing, plotting, and drawing 
programs will render their output in Postscript because the figures can 
be scaled to any size with no loss of detail. I have been using these 
types of figures since the 80's (yeah -- I'm old) but their use has not 
diminished because it is such a powerful and efficent way to store drawn 

Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.  (pounds at theochem.mercer.edu)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University,  Macon, GA 31207   (478) 301-5627

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