[CSC 125] Group Document

Andrew J. Pounds pounds_aj at mercer.edu
Tue Jul 9 09:07:23 EDT 2013

One of the Ancillary Assignments is a collaborative document that each 
of you has to contribute to and then edit.   I have shared the document 
with all of your GMail addresses that you sent to me earlier.  Please, 
at your earliest convenience, go and add your personal statement to the 
document.  You can complete the assignment at a later date, but since 
every person needs all of the personal statements in place before they 
do the final edits, it would really be nice to get all of these in early.

Andrew J. Pounds, Ph.D.  (pounds_aj at mercer.edu)
Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Mercer University,  Macon, GA 31207   (478) 301-5627

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